Become the leader you know you can be with my leadership coaching

You are an ocean of potential.
You’ve expressed a part of it and created ripples.
But you know there’s more in the depths. Going untapped. Maybe you don’t know what it is. Or you know, but doubts subdue that surety. Meanwhile, you’re not making the impact you desire. You’re missing opportunities.
Soon, you’ll feel stressed trying to prove yourself. In time, you’ll feel uninspired. Devalued. You’ll say, “Maybe this is all I can be.” And it will be a lie.

Because I know the feeling. I’ve been there.
Your self-doubt, fears of criticism, judgment, and failure can affect how you show up in your life. It affects your sense of self-worth, calm, impacts treasured relationships, your performance at work, and your health.

You’re a brilliant, talented, ambitious leader! You know the costs of staying stuck where you are.
You are an ocean of potential. Through my leadership coaching programmes, we go deeper and unleash your true potential. Forget ripples. Let’s make waves.

Forget ripples. Let’s make waves.

What can I offer YOU as a leadership coach


Are you excited about discovering deeper potential?
Integrating parts of you that you haven’t owned?
And being the best version of “you”?
This is what it means to be an authentic leader.
It’s what brings you influence, breakthrough value, and personal harmony.

How do I know?

I know the nuances of your world because I’ve been there myself. I speak your language.

Every day I help leaders just like you through my leadership coaching programmes. I help them discover their deeper potential, integrate it into their lives, and be exponentially successful, authentically.

Let’s be the Best of YOU!

Meera Remani - Leadership Coach
A-B of Leadership Coaching

Now there’s a slow way to do it, and a quicker, surer way to do it.

Much like how an aircraft can get you from point A to point B faster than a train can.  

The bus-way of doing it is self help books, YouTube videos that are generic, may excite you for a while, but lack customizations, implementation strategies and accountability.  

The aircraft, or rocketship as I would like to call it, is my powerful 7-step Leaders RISE Accelerator Framework that has given client after client extraordinary results. Because there is powerful coaching, tools, mindset and accountability available to you everyday through my leadership coaching programmes.

How does it unfold


My unique Leaders RISE Accelerator methodology offers

  • Clarity about deeper, “unowned” potential 
  • A path to integrating that potential into external outcomes   
  • Performance enablers to maximize impact
Leadership Coach Career Flight

What will you get with leadership coaching


The journey to being an extraordinary leader starts here. Have the impact, influence and income you desire. Create thriving teams and organizations. Live a life of abundance, balance and fulfillment.

Go from feeling


Spread thin

Burned out

Fearful of challenges

A slave to people and circumstances

To feeling




Excited about possibilities

In control of your story

Amazing results for my clients through my leadership coaching

Trusted by

What will you get


Let's have a no-strings-attached conversation where we talk about YOU! We go deep into what it is that you desire the most, and how to achieve all that and more (because a powerful leadership coaching conversation can really draw out desires that previously we did not dare to think or dream about). There will be no judgment and I promise complete confidentiality. Above all, I offer a safe place where you can let go of worries and just be yourself. Splash plentiful colors in that big bold canvas of your amazing, dream life!

Awakening YOU to your deepest potential


When you lead inauthentically, you create inner resentment. Sooner or later, that affects you and others. When you lead authentically, you create inner harmony and massive external impact.


I help corporate leaders raise the quality of their lives and leadership career success by creating strong stakeholder relationships, building powerful personal brands aligned with a compelling vision, developing deep self-confidence and self-knowledge, communicating effectively (even in scenarios including conflict and/or intercultural elements), becoming better at time management and prioritisation (including delegating), managing stress and enhancing mindfulness.

What makes my coaching and mentoring approach unique is that I have real-world leadership experience myself. I speak your language. When I combine that with my experience as a coach and mentor leveraging the disciplines of coaching, psychology, and neuroscience, my clients get a rich experience and definite results.

I offer bespoke 1 to 1 and group programmes to individuals who want to advance their careers and embrace their true leadership potential. 1 to 1 programmes offer exclusive, focused attention on you. All my programmes are based on my signature framework – Leaders RISE Accelerator™. Please find more details on the Leaders RISE Mastermind page.

I also offer Corporate Training (groups and teams) on various topics including: stakeholder management, mental fitness/wellness, and effective communication. Please find more details on the Corporate Services page.

If you’re interested in exploring coaching, I offer a Leadership Consultation Hour. In this call, we will get to know more about each other, your goals, and your needs. You can also explore my coaching programmes, understand my style of coaching, ask specific questions, etc. You will have the opportunity to clarify if we’re the right fit and if you’re ready to start your personal development journey with me. The cost of the call will be deducted from any future investments you make in any of my programs.

In the exploratory call that I mention in the point above, we will explore the different areas of your leadership career and personal life where you sense challenges and opportunities. Don’t worry, you don’t have to prepare for it. I will create a safe space and structure for you to share as much as you feel comfortable. I will guide your reflection process.

After the session, once you decide that you do want to be supported by me as a coach and mentor, we will use the conversation points to arrive at focus areas for our coaching program. This will be covered in our first official coaching session. I will be bringing my signature Leaders RISE AcceleratorTM blueprint to solidify the focus areas and success measures, to ensure we cover all the key areas for life and leadership success. Based on that we create a coaching program pathway that’s unique to you.  

That’ll guide us as we proceed in our coaching journey. We will make modifications to the program pathway as required by your evolving leadership and life goals.

Coaching is an investment in yourself. Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever do.

Each of my programs, including the 1 to 1s, is tailored to the specific audience – that means you, your specific goals, and your life circumstances. It is important for me that you get the results that you desire (success, life quality, etc.) and feel that it has been an excellent investment. So we will leverage the best of coaching and mentoring tools and resources, put in place measures for success from the beginning, and track them throughout the coaching program factoring in any of your feedback all along the way.

~ “Successful people ask for help” Camille Preston, Fortune  
~ “Everybody should have a Coach,” say, Eric Schmidt & Bill Gates

Some other famous people who have coaches – Ronaldo, Obama, Richard Branson, Leonardo DiCaprio, Agassi, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Serena Williams.  


They realised that they would get more out of themselves if they had the support, advice and accountability of a coach.  

We are bad at noticing our blind spots, or acknowledging how we could be standing in our own ways.  

Our friends & family may give us measured feedback so as not to displease us, or even if they’re direct at giving feedback, it may not be impartial.

 YouTube videos, articles, or books give great strategies, but they’re generic, none of them are specific to you.  

Just as people have employed personal trainers to help them get fit and lose weight, achieving goals can be accelerated by using a coach to apply similar success principles in life.

The bottom line is we improve when we get feedback.  

If you reach out for support, that means you’re not broken, in fact, you’re taking ownership over your success and are being more open to life’s possibilities.

I hold an MBA from India’s premier B-school, the Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow. I am also an Electronics Engineering graduate. Post my MBA I worked internationally – India, the USA, Poland, and Germany – for 16 years, in leadership positions (IT, Supply Chain, Business Strategy) at such companies as P&G and Amazon.  

As a coach, I am trained with the world’s leading coach school (Co-Active Coaching) and certified by some of the leading Coaching organizations (The International Coaching Federation, The Leadership Circle). I hold several other training credentials and certifications which you can check out on my LinkedIn profile.  

Suffice to say, I speak the language the leader of today speaks, through my own experience, through my training and certifications, and with the hundreds of clients I’ve supported over the past 6 years.

By the time you decide to invest in coaching with me, we would have gone through a fairly robust and comprehensive process to establish that we are a great fit as coach and coachee. With that process, apart from you being crystal clear that I am the coach for you, I’ll also be clear that you’re the kind of person I want to coach (someone who is done waiting, is ready to become a strong leader, is ready to commit to better life quality, isn’t afraid of investing the time, money and effort for her/his goals to come true, in essence, real go-getters who are hungry for a change).  

In the unlikely event (it’s never happened with my coachees) that you decide coaching isn’t for you, you just have to ensure that payment is made for the sessions you’ve available, and I’ll refund you the rest, no questions asked.  

Though, I’m fairly certain you’ll feel the momentum and joy of progress reassuring and exhilarating to be even thinking of refunds.

Sure thing! You’ll find plenty of them here.

I am eager to meet you!

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